Friday, March 7

Selective Amnesia

She used to be my shining star, but it was hidden from the world
Because it just so happens they won't accept a girl who loves a girl
I used to love her, she was my best friend, until she proved to be a whore
Got broken by a man, chased after me, but I don't know her anymore

He used to make me laugh, we used to make plans for the future
We would name our son Jonathan, and Jasmine for our daughter
Until our parentals took us apart, and he went off for the war
He still talks to me now and then, but I don't know him anymore

Then a guy, I was not aware, who was always in my life
We used to be together like a man does with a wife
But he took my love as a drug that he always had to score
Hurt me, so I had to leave, and I don't know him anymore

Then some guy who knew the ropes when it comes to women games
He was handsome and he knew it, and would always fuck with my brain
He could have used me for my body, but instead he wanted my soul
He still asks me out for coffee, but I don't know him anymore


belle said...

i like this one! then again i like all your poems. this one is cool though, the title is perfect