Tuesday, March 18

What is it?

Everyone's talking about it
How it makes you feel
How it makes you sweat
How it can break you like you're in debt
How it makes you crazy and make threats
It can make you hot and wet
And you STILL thank God that you met
Yet love;
You think you go through life
Finding that other
Someone who's gonna love you better
Than the one who led you on in banter
Than the one you almost took to the altar
But never gave you a solid answer
You can go and lose yourself in all the luster
But you still search for that one anchor
But love..
Why do you think
That after each relationship
You add on a new boundary
You say, "This time, no one can do this to me."
You turn your expectations up or down
So it'll suit your needs and not make you frown
Anymore.. It's not because you learn to love less
You just learn to love YOU more
So you draw a line in the sand
Ever changing with every man
But what is it, what do you call that instance
When you love one, and he gives enough distance
And he doesn't dare cross that line with prudence
Because he cares enough not to want to find out what will happen
If he does
Is that love?